Have you ever noticed water pooling in odd places in your yard, or water running back toward your home, when it rains? If so, then it is likely that you need to have your property regraded so that water flows away from your property as it is supposed to. However, many homeowners ignore grading issues as they do not realize the damage that improper grading can cause to their landscaping and even their home. If you have been ignoring grading issues on your property, here are just a few of the reasons why it is so important that you have your property properly graded as soon as possible.
Prevent Foundation Damage
Perhaps the most important reason not to ignore grading issues is that doing so can result in severe damage to your home’s foundation and structure. If your property is not properly graded, then water may run towards your home, rather than away from it, during a storm. This water will then seep into the soil next to and underneath your home’s foundation. This can create hydrostatic pressure and soil erosion underneath your foundation, both of which can lead to costly foundation damage. If this problem is left unaddressed long enough, it can even cause structural damage throughout your home, making it critical that you do not ignore grading issues on your property.
Keep Your Yard Healthy
Proper grading on your property is also critical in order to maintain a healthy lawn and garden. If water is not able to flow away from your property properly, this can cause certain parts of your yard to become overwatered, which can lead to the growth of invasive weeds that can quickly take over your landscaping. If the ground on certain parts of your property becomes oversaturated, this can also cause fungus to grow beneath the surface of your lawn that can quickly kill your grass and other plants. Thusly, while pooling water on your yard may seem harmless, it can quickly lead to a major headache.
As you can see, it is important that you do not ignore grading issues on your property. Contact us to learn more about grading problems as well as to find out about the services that we offer.