Signs That Your Asphalt Driveway May Need to be Repaired or Replaced

Over time it is natural for your asphalt driveway to begin to look worn-down and damaged; however, a damaged driveway can not only look unsightly, but it could also potentially damage your car, or pose a trip hazard for you and your family. This makes it critical that you have your asphalt driveway repaired, resurfaced, or replaced when the time comes. Yet, how will you know when it is time to call a paving contractor? Here are a few clear signs indicating that your driveway is in need of repair or replacing.

Signs That Your Asphalt Driveway May Need to be Repaired or Replaced


As your driveway ages and the ground beneath it shifts, it is natural for cracks to begin to appear on your driveway. However, while cracks are expected, they should not be ignored as minor cracking can turn into a much bigger problem if these cracks are not repaired. It is particularly important that you consult a paving contractor if your asphalt driveway has extensive, widespread cracking, or if you have large cracks that are wider than a quarter of an inch, as this can indicate a deeper problem underneath your driveway that needs immediate professional attention.


Potholes can be one of the most frustrating problems for a homeowner to face with their driveway. Not only are potholes an eyesore, but they can also be a safety concern, and they can even cause damage to your car if you drive over them too fast. Thusly, if you notice a pothole forming in your driveway you should have it repaired as soon as possible. It is important to remember that potholes form when water seeps into cracks in your asphalt, which is why it is important to have cracks repaired.

Improper Drainage

You should also consult a paving contractor if you notice a lot of standing water on your driveway after a storm. When water puddles on your driveway, this means that it is not draining properly, which likely indicates that your asphalt has begun to warp. When water is left to stand on your driveway it can seep beneath the surface and affect binding agents, which can result in cracks, potholes, and other damage. Standing water on your driveway is then a clear sign that you need to consult an asphalt contractor.

Contact us to learn more about the signs you can be on the lookout for indicating that your asphalt driveway may be in need of repair or replacing.